Elon Musk navaja nove razloge za prekinitev dogovora s Twitterjem, pri čemer navaja žvižgača

Tesla CEO Elon Musk has outlined new reasons to terminate the $44 billion deal to buy Twitter in a new filing with the U.S. Komisija za vrednostne papirje in borzo (SEC). Citing a whistleblower report, Musks lawyer said the allegations, known to the

Raziskava, ki sprašuje, ali bi združitev lahko povzročila razpad verige Ethereum, sproži razprave o zamudi pri prodaji storitev

While there’s 50 days left until the week of September 19, the crypto community has been discussing whether or not Ethereum developers will delay the penciled-in date for The Merge. Poleg tega, on July 27, the crypto hedge fund Galois Capital published

Zagon Bitmain 2,400 Rudar Megahash E9 Ethereum pred združitvijo

On July 6, the crypto mining rig manufacturer Bitmain announced the launch of the highly anticipated Antminer E9 after revealing the device on April 15, 2021. The machine boasts speeds of up to 2.4 gigahash per second (GH/s) and Bitmain is

Beacon Network Ethereum se ukvarja z reorganizacijo verige 7 blokov

maja 25, seven blocks were reorganized on Ethereums Beacon chain at 8:55:23 zjutraj. (UTC) v višini bloka 3,887,075 vse do blokade 3,887,081. The reorganization was discovered by Martin Köppelmann who noted thecurrent attestation strategy of nodes should